Kwantu Private Game Reserve

Kwantu Weather

Kwantu Private Game Reserve normally receives about 281mm of rain per year, with rainfall occurring throughout the year. Kwantu Private Game Reserve receives the lowest rainfall in July and the highest in March. The average daily maximum midday temperatures for Kwantu range from 20.7°C in July to 28.2°C in February. The Cacadu region is the coldest during July when temperatures drop to 7.3°C on average during the night.

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What To Pack

While on Safari at the Kwantu Private Game Reserve, it is wise to choose clothing in neutral colours such as brown, khaki, stone or beige which attract less attention thus enabling one to get closer to the wild animals. It is advisable to layer your clothing as this provides more warmth when necessary and allows you to remove clothing during the hottest period of the day.

Essential Clothing To Pack

  • Neutral coloured clothing
  • Protective hat or cap
  • Warm sweater or jacket for cooler evenings
  • Lightweight rain jacket
  • Swimwear
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Comfortable shorts & T-shirts (daytime)
  • Long sleeved shirts and trousers (night time)

Essential Personal Items To Pack

  • Insect repellent
  • Suitable Sunblock (SPF 15+) and after-sun lotion
  • Moisturiser, lip balm
  • UV Protection sunglasses plus protective case
  • Camera, film or memory card and spare batteries
  • Binoculars
  • Reading and writing material (journal)
Kwantu Game reserve halaal



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Kwantu Game reserve halaal


A true African experience where one can experience more than just the Big Five in a family friendly environment, Kwantu is the ideal destination.

Kwantu Game reserve halaal


Kwantu Private Game Reserve offers various all inclusive 5 star accommodation options, each offering guests different experiences.

Kwantu Game reserve halaal


The Kwantu Private Game Reserve half day visit is ideally suited for those looking for a true African big 5 safari experience, close to Port Elizabeth.